Submission Guidelines
BUBBLE publishes fiction, nonfiction, art and poetry pieces that are unique and not something you see every day. We're looking for the downright weird, the extreme, and the real. Give us what you got! Don't be afraid to pop the BUBBLE.

Feel free to submit up to 3 poems, one short story, one nonfiction essay, or one art piece. We ask that anything you submit be under two thousand words, and that, if you submit multiple poems, they be in SEPARATE documents. Please include a title if you have one, the author/artist name you want to appear in the magazine, and your email in the document. We're not looking for anything specific, just anything you feel proud of. (WE ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED FOR ALL SUBMISSIONS) We welcome simultaneous submissions! If you hear back from another publication about your piece being accepted, just shoot us an email and we'll adjust.
We want submitting your work to be easy! Send us your piece via email at Any form of document is fine as long as we can easily transfer it to Google Drive. Jpegs, pdfs, Word docs, pngs, we'll do our best in trying to convert them to what we need. We want BUBBLE to be accommodating and inclusive to our writers and artists and will meet you where you are.