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Yuu Ikeda

Yuu Ikeda is a Japan-based poet.

She loves writing, drawing,

and reading mystery novels.

She writes poetry on her website:

Her published poems can be found

in Selcouth Station Press,

New Note Poetry,

Remington Review,

and more.

Her poetry collection

The Palette of Words

has been published

from Lighted Lake Press.

Her Twitter and Instagram:


The Cause

Curtains are quivering.

Morning breeze is the cause.

The sound of a clock is resounding.

Morning stillness is the cause.


・, ・, ・, ・, ・, ・, ・,


Your yawn caresses my left ear.

Morning comfort is the cause.

My kiss warms your right eyelid.

Morning loneliness is the cause.

Our Skins

You want my skin like the blue sky.

I want your skin like cherry blossoms.


You bring me a craving for vulnerability.

I lead you to a craving for eternity.

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